Bi-weekly conversations on important issues for the pooled investment industry.
Tempus: Delta Data’s 6th Annual 2021 Roundtable Recap
August 30, 2021
John Randall, ICI update Recently Delta Data conducted its sixth annual customer roundtable, bringing in more than 40 pundits and experts from the financial industry for a series of conversations covering a range of subjects, from regulations to managing COVID-19. Participants included representatives from the...
It’s Time to Rethink ETFs Over Mutual Fund Investments for Tax Reasons
August 10, 2021
Recently FT Wealth ran an article titled “America’s Rich Have Another Reason to Quit Mutual Funds,” which got me to rethink the whole “revolutionary” concept of selecting ETFs over Mutual Funds for a myriad of reasons, with most roads leading to the IRS. The thesis...
Delta Data’s Annual CIT Industry Study
August 5, 2021
Delta Data has hosted a CIT forum for several years and charted the growth of the industry as it has accelerated in relation to mutual funds, most recently at our annual event, Activate 2020. We selected the name because we felt it was time to...
The CIT to Recordkeeper/Custodian Account Reconciliation Issue
June 1, 2021
Collective Investment Trusts may seem similar to mutual funds, but they are inherently different in many important respects. While mutual funds allow a broad spectrum of account holders to trade in their funds; (retail, qualified, and non-qualified retirement plans, charitable organizations, trusts, etc.), CITs are...
Delta Data CEO Whitfield Athey Addresses Account Transfers at 2021 ABA WMTC
February 26, 2021
Whitfield Athey joined Gauri Sharma, VP Professional Certifications - ABA, in an exclusive podcast to discuss account transfers. In this video, you will learn the answers to the following questions: What have been the barriers to adopting automated processes in the past? What are the...
Delta Data CEO Whitfield Athey Addresses Standardizing your International Oversight Program at NICSA SLF
February 25, 2021
Whitfield Athey, CEO and technology architect for Delta Data, joined NICSA during a pop-up session to discuss International Dealer Oversight. In this video, you will learn the following: Not only can you run your domestic oversight program in our platform, but now standardize your International...
The Reality and Practice of Macroeconomic Forecasting for the Pooled Investment Industry
November 24, 2020
Steve Levitt Ph.D. (Freakonomics) and Whitfield Athey, CEO, Delta Data, discuss the changing role of the economist in financial forecasting during times of social, economic, and cultural turmoil.
Sales and Asset Forecasting: Modeling in an Evolving Global Economy
October 22, 2020
Delta Data and a panel of industry experts take a deep dive into the challenges and opportunities related to market modeling programs. From coordinating inputs to tracking multiple base scenarios, to comparing outcomes versus models for ongoing forecasting improvement, learn how to streamline your sales...
Digitization is Now a Strategic Imperative
October 12, 2020
Stripping the Labels - companies are moving boldly into digitization Four seasoned members of the asset management community shared a common battle cry at the 2020 NICSA GMM panel “Stripping the Labels”: the COVID WFH scenario has turned digitization from a backroom discussion to...
Delta Data’s 5th Annual 2020 Roundtable Recap – Part II
August 24, 2020
Work from Home and the Changing Perception of Wall Street In our last post, we shared highlights from our annual 2020 roundtable. Make sure to check that out if you missed it. The final discussion involved business process execution in the age of dislocation and...
Delta Data’s 5th Annual 2020 Roundtable Recap
August 11, 2020
Oversight Management Delta Data’s fifth annual industry roundtable, our first large scale virtual event, brought together an assemblage of over 60 asset managers including five of the top 10 largest mutual funds complexes in the United States for a candid conversation on the current state...
When Pandemic Plan D becomes Plan A
May 5, 2020
Over the years, we have all planned for the things that go bump in the night that might interrupt our daily business functions or our ability to deliver a service. Plans range from the foreseeable, a server crashing, to the not so foreseeable, a worldwide...
No Fine Print for the Self Employed in the Paycheck Protection Program
April 24, 2020
Many small business owners wading through the application form for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) are finding shallow waters when they’re digging for any fine print to explain whether or not they qualify, and what with, and for how much. My real-world engagement with the...
Delta Data Provides Access to New Forecasting Tool to Aid in Pandemic Relief
April 21, 2020
Following on the heels of Delta Data’s offer to make our Data as a Service corporate action data available to registered broker dealers, bank trusts, and record keepers, we are now providing complimentary access to our newly released macro-economic model driven IntelliCaster forecasting tool. The...
Delta Data to Offer Complimentary Access to Data During Pandemic
March 26, 2020
COVID-19 has turned our collective pooled investment industry upside down. Wall Street warriors used to humping downtown in the pre-dawn light are now working out of their home offices or dining room tables. Suits are being traded for lounging wear, and the frequent trips to...
Delta Data CEO Whitfield Athey Addresses the Need for Data Scientists at the 2020 NICSA Strategic Leadership Forum
February 26, 2020
Whitfield Athey, CEO and technology architect for Delta Data, will be joining NICSA’s technology panel on February 27: Managing Analytics Project: Balancing Business and Technical Expertise Data Scientists – Are They Really Unicorns? This session will focus on critical aspects around ensuring your team has...
A 35-Year-Old Company with a Start-Up Culture
October 8, 2019
Delta Data has a unique culture. For starters, how many privately held software companies do you know that are in their 35th year of continuous operation? Not many, I am sure. The tag line for our company is “Stay Ahead of the Change.” To still...
Model Portfolios are the Future of Investment Management – Here’s How Asset Managers Can Capitalize
August 27, 2019
Proactively envisioned multimedia based expertise and cross-media growth strategies. Seamlessly visualize quality intellectual capital without superior collaboration and idea-sharing. Holistically pontificate installed base portals after maintainable products. Dramatically engage top-line web services deliverables.
Are Active ETFs a Threat to Mutual Funds?
August 14, 2019
While mutual funds may still dominate the U.S. market, ETFs are gaining traction quickly. According to the 2019 Investment Company Institute Factbook, at the end of 2018, the U.S. domestic mutual funds market amounted to $17.7 trillion in total net assets. At the end of...
“Embrace the Complexity”: Fund Product Innovation Calls for Holistic Approach
August 8, 2019
As I discussed in my last blog post, Collective Investment Trust (CIT) growth is something we’ve been keeping a close eye on here at Delta Data. I believe this trend strikes a particularly loud chord within the industry today because it’s a microcosm of the seismic...
How to Streamline ACATs for Bank Trusts and Keep Customers’ Best Interest in Mind
July 30, 2019
Customers like a frictionless experience when it comes to finance. When a client has decided to transfer their assets, it’s important to educate them as much as possible. This means keeping customers in the loop as to where their assets are and when they are...
If CITs Have The Highest Growth Opportunity Then Why Aren’t We Investing In Tech?
July 18, 2019
At the recent Coalition of Collective Investment Trusts annual meeting in New York, a central topic of all the sessions was a clear move down market. CITs are no longer only marketed to and sold to the mega plans where they got their start 15...
More Tech Spend Equals More Profit…Right?
May 3, 2019
A recent article in Ignites caught my eye. It detailed a recent research report by Deloitte’s Casey Quick, which revealed that asset managers that spent the most on technology (related to distribution) over the last three years saw significantly higher profit margins than those of their peers.Continue...
April 29, 2019
We’re looking forward to attending and exhibiting at ICI’s General Membership Meeting (GMM) in Washington DC May 1-3, 2019! In its 61st year, ICI’s GMM is a great opportunity to connect with other leaders in the global fund industry, as well as hear insights from their...
April 25, 2019
We recently returned from sunny Florida, where Delta Data sponsored, exhibited, and spoke at NICSA’s 2019 Strategic Leadership Forum, and we thoroughly enjoyed the event. From disruptive technologies to gender diversity in asset management, to fraud prevention, there were many engaging topics discussed at the...
March 26, 2019
We’re excited to announce that we will be exhibiting at NICSA’s Strategic Leadership Forum (SLF) in Ponte Verde Beach, FL April 3-5, 2019. As the must-attend event for professionals in the global asset management industry, NICSA SLF will be a great opportunity to connect with peers...
March 14, 2019
Product rationalization has been at the forefront of the mutual fund industry over the last few years. As a result, share class “churn,” which ramped up starting in 2016, is on pace to continue as managers add and replace share classes that better fit the...
March 6, 2019
Recently we had the opportunity to gather with asset managers and others in mutual fund operations in Boston for our annual roundtable, where we discussed many of the pressing issues changing our industry. We realize how difficult it can be to take a step back...
Automation is Key in Getting Fee Management Right
January 25, 2019
Intermediary fees make up a significant amount of a mutual fund company’s annual expenses, with some totaling as high as 40%. Maintaining such a major part of a Profit & Loss Statement isn’t something firms take lightly, so as the complexity and volume of the...