Almost a year ago I posted a blog entitled SEC, Dodd Frank, Money Market Reform and FSOC: Connecting the Dots Between the Acronyms. In the post, I expressed my dismay with the passing of the Money Market Reform (MMR) laws, and how it seemed to me...
In Episode 12 of the Days of our DOL Lives …
February 9, 2017
Congress still on the “outs” with DOL pick ─ who, in turn, has undisclosed Nanny Baggage to resolve. Meanwhile, Donald still has commitment issues … If you thought this was going to be a political piece, sorry to dismay but it is not. This is...
For Mutual Fund Distributors, RegTech Is Now A Question of Survival
January 20, 2017
Whatever happens to the Department of Labor fiduciary rule, the mutual fund industry is moving into a “fiduciary era.” For one thing, investment advisors hope to capitalize on investors’ heightened awareness of the role of a fiduciary. For another, the backlog of regulatory change that...
SEC Guidance Paper is a Heads Up for Potential Avalanche of Filings
January 5, 2017
In light of the upcoming DOL Rule, the SEC recently issued guidance to funds on disclosure issues and certain procedural requirements with offering variations in fund sales loads and new share classes. The SEC IM Guidance Update appears to be an attempt by the SEC to not...
The DOL Fiduciary Rule is Igniting a Revolution in the Mutual Fund Industry’s Back-Office
December 19, 2016
The burning issue for the mutual fund industry is whether the Trump administration will curtail or rescind the Department of Labor’s fiduciary rule. The nomination of Andrew Puzder for Labor Secretary, who is anti-regulation, could mean changes to the fiduciary rule as it currently stands....
Jim Carrey for Education Secretary and Effect on DOL Rule
December 8, 2016
Today’s news declaring Andy Puzder as Trump’s pick for Labor Secretary does not bode well for the short-term prospect of moving the date of the DOL Fiduciary Rule. For the past several weeks, the consensus in our industry was that the date could be moved by the...
The New Stripped Down Mutual Fund Share Classes
November 8, 2016
The new DOL Fiduciary rule has barely gone into effect, and it is already starting to shake things up. One of the first changes we are starting to see is a new set of mutual fund share classes. American Funds and Franklin Templeton have already...
Mutual Funds, Bank Trusts and Money Market Reform
November 2, 2016
The Money Market reforms promulgated by the SEC became effective October 14, 2016. The implications of the reforms go deep and wide, both with the mutual funds that offer money market funds, but also for the firms that offer money market funds on their platforms....
Help with Business Continuity Planning for Asset Managers
October 7, 2016
Ignites recently published an article “Shops Zero In on Fund Pricing Risk Management” about a Deloitte survey that examined what Fund shops are spending time on — keeping their folks up at night. A breakout star this year is business continuity planning (BCP) of their key third party...
Mutual Fund Transparency in Support of DOL Rules
September 30, 2016
The last several years have demonstrated an ongoing focus on transparency driven by guidance and rules from the governing bodies of the mutual fund industry. To date, most transparency initiatives have focused on Dealer to consumer transparency (404a and 408b2) and Dealer to Fund transparency...
Mutual Funds Omnibus Transparency – Lighting up the Black Cat in the Dark Room
September 21, 2016
The phrase, “knowledge is power,” takes on a special meaning when a paucity of knowledge leads to potential issues that leave a company fumbling around in a dark room, looking for a black cat, only to be saved when someone turns the lights back on....
Load Waived A Shares – Putting the Milk Back in the Bottle
June 22, 2016
In the last couple of years, FINRA has been taking a hard look at brokers that have been selling A shares to retirement plans to make sure they were waiving the load, if the fund allowed such a waiver. Well, it turns out that a...
SEC, Dodd Frank, Money Market Reform and FSOC
April 29, 2016
The Money Market Reform (MMR) rules being enacted by the SEC have left me feeling a little like we have a cure that is worse than the disease. The SEC generally does a fair job in weighing the costs versus the benefits of enacting regulations...
What’s the Matter with U – Part II
March 16, 2016
In part one of this post I opened the lid on the Pandora’s Box of mutual fund share classes (from A-Z, without U), currently floating around the industry; in part two we’ll examine why, beyond sheer confusion, this marketing practice is problematic. Other than just...
What’s The Matter with U: “U” is absent in the current offering of 375 Mutual Fund Share Class names
March 7, 2016
Personally, I don’t like going to a restaurant where the menu just goes on and on, making me wonder if they can really prepare all those selections equally well! I also have a problem with mutual fund share classes, on a number of levels. Like...
Distribution in Guise’ Enforcement Actions in Works: SEC
March 5, 2015
In case you missed this article in today’s issue of Ignites. Looks like what they examined in the “Distribution in Guise” sweep will be covered now in regular exams of funds. This should take it down stream to some of the smaller funds as the...